Event name: 2021 OCP Global Summit
Dates: November 9-10, 2021
The hybrid Global Summit brought together thousands of key decision-makers, executives, engineers, developers, and suppliers, both in person at the San Jose Convention Center and online through our own FNvirtual Event Platform.
Being one of the first tech events to return to large-scale meetings in-person, the Global Summit was supremely conscious of providing a safe and healthy environment for all attendees, staff, and crew members. Masks were required indoors and all participants had to show proof of full vaccination prior to entering the grounds and receiving credentials. Individually packaged meals and condiments, hundreds of mini hand sanitizers, and red/green social distancing wristbands (indicating the wearer’s preference for physical greetings) were provided to further this cause.
Celebrating their 10th corporate anniversary, OCP chose the theme Open Possibilities and we help them express this using their approved color palette and a custom illustrated water-like graphic element representing the ripple effect of open source collaboration. Motion graphics and large “splashes” of blue, green and teal pulled the look and feel throughout the physical space and virtual platform.
The event included a dynamic keynote session, dozens of executive tracks, a large expo hall with upwards of 100 sponsors, an evening reception, the Future Technologies Symposium, and onsite meals and coffee breaks for all days.
The Summit also featured 12 concurrent engineering workshop tracks, comprised of 175 sessions (their most to date!) and hundreds of speakers. All sessions were livestreamed, as well as recorded, edited, and posted for video on demand within minutes.
The total livestream time was a whopping 212,260 minutes (or 3,538 hours) and the total video on demand (VOD) watch time was 271,278 minutes (or 4,521 hours). FNvirtual had 22,843 unique visitors to the site.
And the stats don’t stop there. OCP had team members attend from over 1,000 organizations and 60 countries around the world. There were also more than 100 media and analysts onsite at the event, including staff from some of the world’s leading news and analyst organizations.
At the end of the day, this first in-person Summit in two long years proved several things: one, people still want to meet in person; two, we can do it safely when everyone follows the rules; and three, pandemic or no, the Open Compute Project Foundation continues to grow and we are delighted to be a part of that upward momentum!

Video courtesy of Dave Sims Media