OpenStack Summit | Boston
May 8-11, 2017

Attended by more than 5,000 people from over 60 countries, the OpenStack Summit in Boston was THE place to be for anything “cloud” this spring.

Held at the Hynes Convention Center and surrounding hotels, the Summit embodied information sharing on a massive scale.

With scores of demos and product launches, a large exhibit hall with 100+ sponsors, 2 days of keynote sessions, more than 750 informative talks (with upwards of 1,000 speakers), and a full buyout of Fenway Park for the evening party – planning the Summit was like playing chess on the largest of boards.

In perhaps the biggest surprise of the event, Edward Snowden, former United States NSA employee and self-declared liberator, joined one of the keynote sessions via video from an undisclosed location – no mean feat, considering all the challenges associated with pushing a live feed to the main stage, whilst keeping it a secret from attendees and local crew alike.

Boston is a city of many treasures and legends, and we at FNTECH were delighted to help Stackers uncover their own riches at the OpenStack Summit.